
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Oral Hygiene: If The Gums Smell

Bacteria in the mouth can cause gum disease - and thus halitosis. On the other hand helps a thorough dental hygiene, healthy diet and the avoidance of stress and cigarette smoke.

Especially in the morning he is as faithful as an unpleasant companion for many people: the bad breath. Not always, but often it is associated with poor oral hygiene. Sometimes there is this very specific cause, such as gingivitis.

Bacteria cause halitosis

Case reaches bacteria that colonize the mouth, over the plaque between teeth and gums and trigger inflammation from. In some cases, then form so-called gum pockets. In these cavities leftovers, which serve the bacteria as feed accumulate. If this in turn sells the leftovers, exit gases, which cause a bad breath. The smell is often the first sign of gingivitis. Later come other symptoms added: Gums bleed when brushing quickly, is red and swollen. Eventually can begin while hurting the gums - but mostly it does not hurt and many people just ignore it.

Periodontitis prevent

Ignore is not recommended. Have once deep gum pockets formed a professional cleaning only helps the dentist. Act in such a moment is not, it can lead to periodontitis. Here also the periodontal ligaments below the tooth, which in the worst case can even lead to loss of teeth inflamed.

Prevention by oral hygiene

Some simple principles of dental hygiene, prevent that, of course, this primarily to thoroughly brush twice a day the teeth. It is helpful also to regularly clean the Interdental spaces with dental floss or Interdental brushes. The annual routine visit to the dentist contributes to hygiene in the mouth: Usually remove dentists then tartar and plaque.

Smoking, stress and avoid mouth breathing

Among others can have a gum infection likely Smoking, permanent stress and constant mouth breathing. An unhealthy diet harms as the gums. The formerly dreaded by sailors scurvy is about gingivitis by vitamin C deficiency. In western industrialized countries, such as Germany that comes before but not as good as more.