
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Always Tired- What Are The Cause

Many people often feel tired and exhausted. Often infected simply too little sleep behind the complaints, but if you are always tired, even a disease may represent the cause of the fatigue. Thus, the fatigue may be caused for example by an iron or vitamin deficiency, but even more serious diseases such as cancer or a depression to be the culprits. We have compiled for you the most common causes that can lead to a constant feeling of tiredness.

What is fatigue?

Acute fatigue is a protection mechanism to protect us from overexertion. During sleep, our body regenerates and can namely collect new strength. If lack of sleep is the cause of fatigue, a quantitative or a qualitative lack of sleep after the fatigue can insert: So either you sleep too little or the quality of sleep is low and therefore no longer sufficient sleep restful.

If the body is deprived of sleep permanently, this leads to chronic fatigue. This can manifest itself among others in concentration problems, increased sensitivity to pain and burning eyes. Chronic fatigue may also constitute a sign of disease.

Always tired - as the cause of diseases

Fatigue may occur as a secondary symptom of various diseases. Therefore, they must always be seen in relation to other symptoms. Among the disease-related causes of fatigue, for example, include the following:
  • Iron deficiency (anemia)
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Infectious diseases
  • Metabolic Diseases
  • Cancer
  • Psychological Causes
  • Vitamin deficiency
In addition, however, plenty of other reasons to ensure that you're always tired an important indication of whether it is a natural, healthy tiredness or caused by a disease, fatigue, and provides its own being is: take your tiredness as pleasant true or is your fatigue you uncomfortable?

Always tired - that helps!

If you are always tired, you should think about what your fatigue could be due. Then you should check if you can fight your fatigue with a few simple tricks:
  • Try to find out whether lack of sleep or stress at work may be the cause of your fatigue. Test to see if your fatigue disappears, for example, after a short nap.
  • Pay attention to adequate hydration (at least 1.5 liters per day). Eating a balanced diet and vitamin rich.
  • Try to see if your fatigue with a cold shower can distribute in the morning.
  • Be physically active! The movement gets your circulation going and can distribute your fatigue.
If your symptoms do not get better anyway, you should consult a doctor to make clarify the cause of your fatigue, especially when other symptoms, can also insert a disorder behind the tiredness.

Always tired - Psychological Causes

Fatigue can have not only physical but also psychological causes. This is especially the case when the fatigue is accompanied by fatigue and a depressed mood. The cause of fatigue may then be in a depression.
People who suffer from depression, it is often difficult to fall asleep at night. In addition, they usually do not sleep through the night but wake up frequently. Typically, moreover, that it is not fresh and relaxed, but still feels tired and exhausted despite getting enough sleep. If you are always tired, is listless and empty 'feel, you should think about to be psychologically sought help.

Always tired - anemia as a cause

If you are always tired, anemia may represent the cause. Anemia, for example, by an impaired blood formation in the bone marrow or increased degradation or loss of red blood cells is formed. In addition, however, a lack of vitamin B12, can folic acid or iron have blood poverty.

An iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia: More than ¾ of all anemia are due to iron deficiency. Iron is essential for blood formation, because iron is a component of hemoglobin, which binds oxygen in the blood. As our blood carries oxygen around our bodies, is the cells found less oxygen available at an iron deficiency. If the brain supplied with enough oxygen, you get tired.

Iron is mainly in foods such as meat, eggs and milk available, but also in whole grains and legumes stuck appreciable amounts of iron. If on the iron uptake enough vitamin C is present in the body, the body iron may incidentally absorb particularly well.

Always tired - sleep as a cause

The term sleep apnea is shorter pauses in breathing mask during sleep. These are caused by a strong relaxation of the muscles of the pharynx. Thereby it may happen that the upper part of the trachea coincides, and thus the air flow is restricted. Such pauses in breathing can last in extreme cases up to one minute, then the body sounds the alarm and you wake up - usually gasping for breath - on. Frequently, however, it also happens that you cannot wake up, but only certain body functions are booted.

By breathing interruptions of the body and especially the brain is no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen. In addition, sleep is through the nighttime awakenings - to which one the next morning often cannot remember - not relaxing. During the day, it may therefore be constant fatigue or even lead to nodding off.

Typical symptoms of sleep apnea include headaches and dizziness after getting up, dry mouth, and night sweats. At night, the sleep apnea also expressed by snoring, which is interrupted by pauses in breathing? Often these breathing pauses end with a fierce sigh or a particularly loud snoring.

The likelihood of sleep apnea is increased by obesity, alcohol consumption and an untrained neck muscles. The latter can be strong, for example, by playing a wind instrument.

Always tired - vitamin deficiency as a cause

If you are always tired, you should think about whether you eat a balanced diet enough. After all, a vitamin deficiency can cause the body feels tired and exhausted.

If you suspect that your fatigue could be due to a vitamin deficiency, you should talk to your doctor consultation. Get it checked by Him, whether you have a vitamin deficiency may be present. Should this be the case, may prescribe appropriate vitamin supplements with your doctor.

Always tired - infectious diseases as a cause

Under an infectious disease is a disease that is caused by pathogens to understand. The group of infectious diseases includes, for example, influenza, the pneumonia or glandular fever, but also malaria or AIDS.
Since the body is weakened by an infectious disease and it can best regenerate during sleep, you are often tired during the illness. This feeling of tiredness and fatigue is commonly observed during the flu. But during flu has subsided again, usually after about a week, other infectious diseases can be lengthy: Symptoms may develop slowly over months or even years. Some infectious diseases such as glandular fever are often diagnosed long time not because typical symptoms are missing.

An infectious disease that is always associated with constant fatigue is the sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis). This transmitted by the tsetse fly disease occur in the second stage of the disease with severe disorders of the sleep-wake rhythm. Popularly the narcolepsy is called sleeping sickness frequently. It is a neurological disorder in which it takes over the day again and again to sleep attacks. Since the sleep attacks usually occur very suddenly and be accompanied by a strong loss of tone of the muscles, often results in a fall of those affected.

Ever get tired of - metabolic diseases as a cause

Certain metabolic diseases such as diabetes or an underactive thyroid may also be behind a permanent tiredness. Thus, the feeling of being always tired associated with poor control of blood sugar levels.

Likewise, an underactive thyroid ensures that you feel constantly tired. In an interactive thyroid in the thyroid too few hormones are produced. This can lead to symptoms such as brittle hair and brittle nails, loss of appetite, increased susceptibility to infections, impaired concentration, weight gain and fatigue.

Always tired - cancer as a cause

Is found for the constant fatigue, no other cause, should also be taken into consideration whether a cancer might be stuck behind the tiredness because most cancers are associated with fatigue. In cancer the feeling of fatigue usually occurs with other feelings such as weakness, fatigue and weakness. This particular form of fatigue is also called, Fatigue ', which means in French lassitude or fatigue.
Often the feeling of being constantly tired, not only the disease itself, but also on the methods of treatment such as chemotherapy due. To combat fatigue, a fixed sleep schedule and moderation Sports recommend.

To distinguish it from, Fatigue 'during and after cancer is the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Chronic fatigue syndrome). By this is meant a state of exhaustion that lasts longer than six months. In addition to fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms such as headache, sore throat and muscle aches, stomach problems and concentration problems may occur.

What causes chronic fatigue syndrome is triggered is not yet clear. Among other acute stresses such as an infection but appears to play a role in psychological stress.

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