
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Blood Pressure: Too High Or Too Low?

With every beat of the heart pumps blood into the arteries and above it gets down to the smallest cells of the entire body. Thus, it actually arrives in every corner, a certain pressure is necessary: the blood pressure. Is this too high, however, damages the blood vessels and the heart. If it is too low, this may be the heart sometimes even protect. However, even these people often have to struggle with unpleasant symptoms. A healthy life, however, can protect against two problems.

How is low blood pressure?

First the good news: A low blood pressure is not life threatening, on the contrary, sometimes it may even protect against diseases that a high blood pressure promotes. However, it can trigger fatigue and dizziness.

Doctors mainly distinguish two forms of low blood pressure. The primary or essential hypertension is usually congenital and is not considered a disease. She is more common in women, especially when it runs in the family.

As a secondary hypotension is called low blood pressure that occurs as a result of a disease such as an underactive thyroid, kidney, or pituitary gland, as well as heart disease drugs that trigger a secondary hypertension, are: psychotropic drugs, diuretics, antiarrhythmic, vasodilators and coronary agents.

What helps?

Even with simple tricks, a low blood pressure can usually lift a little. These include endurance sports and in moderation salt and caffeine. Also cold treatments increase blood pressure is not sufficient that the sympathomimetic drugs can stimulate such circulation. Similar the body's epinephrine and norepinephrine to increase the return flow of blood to the heart and stimulate the heartbeat.

How can I prevent it?

The most important measures for prevention are sports and a high fluid intake, since both stimulate your circulation - and do so without any side effects.

How is high blood pressure?

In people with high blood pressure, the pressure in the blood vessels increases dangerously for years, thus increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In most cases, can be ascertained only with difficulty, what caused the increased pressure in a patient. However, we know the risk factors very well, for example, lack of exercise, obesity, an unhealthy lifestyle with lots of alcohol and cigarettes.

In addition, it is known that people who are constantly exposed to stress more quickly develop high blood pressure. But also diseases such as chronic kidney disease and medications such as hormones and rheumatism can drive the blood pressure to dangerous levels.

What helps?

The first step, to lower blood pressure, decrease in overweight. It also sports helps because so let burn calories and easiest movement also holds the vessels elastic. However hypertensive should discuss the sport with a physician in order to avoid overloading. In addition, studies show that a low-salt diet can lower blood pressure.

But sometimes these measures are not adequate. On behalf of drugs then diuretics are the first choice. Apart from these dewatering agents and beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors and AT II antagonists reduce elevated blood pressure effectively.

How can I prevent it?

Lower your risk! This works best with regular exercise, a healthy diet and a little alcohol and salt. Also of cigarettes you should stay away. And who still exerts cope better with stressful situations, also thereby protecting his heart.

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