
Monday, February 29, 2016

Antibiotics: Useful - Or Even Harmful?

Antibiotics have saved millions of lives and continue to do so. Meanwhile, however, this medical miracle cure has come into disrepute: it destroys the intestinal flora, it makes pathogens resistant, it is prescribed too often and too much. So they tell the truth about antibiotics.

Antibiotics are of natural origin

About this composition for controlling inflammation and often fatal diseases, there are many truths - and just as many tales. Therefore, many people have secretly afraid of antibiotics and fight back to the doctor: "Everything, merely no antibiotics." That's nonsense exactly, but it is nonsense when careless or even negligent deal with antibiotics and it uses when it is not necessary.

The biggest mistake: Antibiotics are not an invention of the pharmaceutical industry. Antibiotic substances are produced by nature itself since time immemorial by plants, fungi and bacteria that cobwebs and certain mosses have antiseptic effects, which have the shamans and healers of the primitive man already knew.

The first antibiotic penicillin was discovered when the physician Alexander Fleming in 1928 by chance noticed that metabolites of fungus were capable of killing bacterial pathogens. Meanwhile, there are over 160 different antibiotics with which a wide variety of diseases can be combated.

Problem 1: Antibiotics destroy your intestinal flora

That's true, but only partially. Because antibiotics destroy bacteria, also a part of more than 300 living in the gut bacterial germs are killed, which can cause diarrhea. But once the treatment is completed, the body builds up the original intestinal flora again. The treatment of bacterial infection is considered to be more important than the side effect on the gut.

Problem 2: Antibiotics are dangerous

They are enjoyed as dangerous or other drugs. Mostly they are well tolerated and have few side effects. The only real risk: There are patients who are allergic to antibiotics. Then immediate need to respond.

Problem 3: When a cure is detectable is to settle antibiotics immediately

This is fundamentally wrong and a dangerous mistake: Because that can lead to severe relapse of the disease and also to the development of so-called resistance. Among resistance means that pathogens are not sensitive and no longer respond to antibiotics. Cause: If the drug is not taken until the end of the pack, learn not killed germs, to live with a decreasing concentration of the antibiotic. Even following bacterial generations are then potentially immune to the agent.

Problem 4: Cancel any unused antibiotics

This is also dangerous. Apart from cases in which an antibiotic is not tolerated, it should, as I said give, no residues of these drugs. Such remains should be disposed of through the pharmacy. In addition, it is inappropriate to use such drugs on your own. This means that once so well helped may be ineffective in the next infection with another pathogen.

Problem 5: Antibiotics damage the immune system

Not true at all. Antibiotics that fight the growth of bacterial pathogens help the immune system to fight the infection. If the immune system weakened, such as the elderly or by a preceding infection, then it can happen without the use of antibiotics, the body's defense mechanisms fail.

Problem 6: Antibiotics are too fast, prescribed too early and often needlessly

The ever-increasing worldwide total consumption of antibiotics is seen by experts critically. Because with a frivolous application lose antibiotic effect. Ask your doctor if the antibiotic is imperative really in doubt if so, you should take the drug both in dosage and duration as directed by the physician.

In general: Because now many antibiotics were developed specifically to particular organism, it should work in every case except on instructions from the doctor to a course of antibiotics. On top of that requires the type of infection and the causative agent different treatment periods of between one and 14 days. Only the doctor can therefore decide which antibiotic should you take and for how long in order to be safe and sound.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dieting: Pay Attention To The Energy Density

If you really want to lose weight sustainably - then you need to pay attention to the energy density of the foods you eat. Because it is of course a big difference if you take 100 g fat pork (very high energy density) or 100 g carrots (very low energy density) to be. The amount is the same, but the difference is the calorie content relating enormous.

It does so little if you just eat less: You must pay attention to the energy density to decrease. If you follow that, you can lose weight without hunger or diets. Convey the body with foods low energy density the feeling: "I'm tired" - then the removal goes by itself.

The Nutrients recommend overweight people urgently consider when dietary change within a diet mainly on the energy density. It recommends: foods with a low to medium energy density (up to 225 kcal per 100 grams) to eat. Because the fill you up without encouraging a high energy density for fat storage. Example: Half a Croissant has been as much calories as two apples, six carrots or 300g low-fat yogurt. And after half a croissant you still have hunger after two apples probably not.

Eighth At breakfast on the energy density

So if you've forgone energy dense foods at breakfast, then take fewer calories. But a balanced breakfast boosts your metabolism, it prevents hunger pangs - even decreases the risk of obesity. But to eat more fruits and vegetables easy and otherwise continue merrily munching loss is also wrong. The DGE: "Losing weight can only one who feeds than it consumes fewer calories. Eat most generally less rich in fat and preferably foods with unsaturated fatty acids, for example, milk or vegetable oil. In addition, many legumes and whole grains and little sugar and salt. "

Burn calories by Sport

Losing weight is not only paying attention to the energy density. You must also burn calories through exercise. 30 minutes strong movement per day is the minimum, an hour would be ideal whether endurance training, strength training, ball sports or dancing is not decisive. Each activity burns calories! The joy of physical exercise you should already teach your children. And where you should pay particular attention to the energy density of foods by the way to take your children: Sweet sodas, Pomeranian, pizza, candy bars and similar foods may not be a daily habit, whether your child later in obesity fight should be decided in the first eight years of life.

This allows you to pay attention to the energy density in losing weight, here important foods for everyday life. The content is indicated in kcal per 100 grams:

Decreasing Suitable and well as a full meal is:

1.    Breads
Multi Grain Roll (230 kcal/100g), brown bread (220 kcal/100g), rye roll (220 kcal/100g) and whole-meal bread (200 kcal/100g).

2.    Inserts
Potatoes (70 kcal/100g), cooked rice (110 kcal/100g), potatoes (80 kcal 100g), whole-meal pasta (150 kcal/100g), noodles (150 kcal/100g), potato dumplings (100 kcal/100g).

3.    Vegetable
Peas (80 kcal/100g), kale (40 kcal/100g), cabbage, kohlrabi, white and red cabbage (20 to 30 kcal/100g) and broccoli (23 kcal/100g), tomatoes (20 kcal/100g), celery, spinach, radish, salsify (all about 20 kcal/100g) salad (10 to 20 kcal/100g).

4.    Fruit
Apple (50 kcal/100g), apricot (40 kcal/100 g), banana (100 kcal/100 g), berries (30 to 40 kcal/100g), pear (50 kcal/100g), grapes (70 kcal/100g), citrus fruits (about 50 kcal/100g), plum (50 kcal/100g), watermelon (40 kcal/100g), banana (100 kcal/100g).

5.    Meat and fish
Smoked trout fillet (120 kcal/100 g), minced meat, lean (110 kcal/100g), skinless chicken breast (100 kcal/100g), beef (120 kcal/100g), turkey cutlets (110 kcal/100g), redfish (110 kcal/100g), tuna in brine (110 kcal/100g), fresh salmon (130 kcal/100g), cooked ham without fat edge (120 kcal/100g), Beer Skiing Potions ( 170 kcal/100g) boneless Smoked pork (130 kcal/100g), anchovy (100 kcal/100g).

6.    Milk and cheese
Low-fat quark (70 kcal/100g), fruit yogurt with 1.5% fat (80 kcal/100g), yogurt with 3.5% fat (70 kcal/100g), milk with 3.5% fat (70 kcal/100g), sour cream (130 kcal/100 g), fresh cheese light (70 to 80 kcal/100g), Limburger cheese (110 kcal/100g).

7.    Nibbles and sweet

Rice pudding (120 kcal/100g), semolina nature (130 kcal/100g), fruit salad (70 to 110 kcal/100g), red fruit jelly (100 kcal/100g), sorbet and sherbet (80 to 120 kcal/100g).

For other foods you need to find the kcal per 100 grams, to know how it is with the energy density.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Home Remedies For Dandruff

A situation that almost every one of us knows: You meet in society a friend in dark clothes. On the shoulders and upper back approach: everywhere dandruff, clearly visible on the dark fabric. One finds it disgusting. But nobody says a word about dandruff you do not talk. A taboo subject those who suffer from dandruff, is regrettable. He needs to see a doctor. Because you can shed - usually even with natural medicine - get a grip.

A scientific study showed 67.3 percent of respondents feel shed as unappetizing and disgusting. About 60 percent hold people with severe dandruff infestation for unkempt. And 96.5 percent are of the opinion that you should immediately take action against dandruff.

Even if it cannot believe Affected: It is important that there is dandruff. They are the result of a process that occurs countless times in the human organism. Our skin renews itself constantly. Here old cells are transported upwards and become horny at the surface. This takes about 28 days. This is called exfoliation. Normally the process noticed nobody, because the cells are so tiny that they are seen only under a microscope.

One reason: Too much fast food

In case of visible dandruff something goes wrong. The exfoliation process is extremely accelerated. Thus, the stratum corneum cells are not mature; still have a kind of glue, so many cells stick together. This results in the ugly, large scales. You are a plague.

Most the shed by the yeast Malassezia (formerly known as Pityrosporum) furfur caused. It occurs in the bacterial flora of each scalp, but can proliferate by dry heating, air, stress, aggressive hair products, by metabolic and endocrine disorders.

Also, excessive hair care by wrong means to frequent hair washing with aggressive anti-dandruff shampoos irritate the skin further, so they itch and dandruff starts. However, it can also blame the lifestyle that you get dandruff. Excessive use, too many parties, too little sleep and many visits Fast food stands with fast food can trigger dandruff.

Basically, the rule is: Whenever you discover dandruff in your hair, you should consult a dermatologist especially when you also see red spots, or if form pustules between the hairs.

Help with a dandruff home remedy

Apart from a targeted treatment, you should put some action in your life:
  • Provide enough sleep.
  • Pay attention to balanced, varied diet with plenty of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Especially on the trace element zinc CONSIDERATIONS. They find it in oatmeal, sea fish, oysters, whole grains and chicken, especially breast meat.
  • If you just go on a diet and get dandruff, then stop immediately.
  • Mix half a cup of olive oil with sea salt, the scalp, rub, soak for about half an hour, rinse well.
  • Strive to eliminate two problems affecting your soul. If stress and anxiety dominate your life, you need to think about what you can change.
  • Use your free time to completely relax. Lie down in the tub, or looking for other ways to disable: Meditation, autogenously training Yoga.
  • Be especially careful with your hair. Keep clean all combs and brushes. Regularly clean hats, caps, hats, bandanas, headbands and jewelry comb.
  • Before you wash your hair, you need to properly rinse thoroughly with water, so that the shed - as much as possible - be removed.
  • The water temperature washing your hair may not be hot, but only lukewarm. Hot water robs the skin fat.
  • Even while blow-drying is not too close to the head and not too hot blow-drying irritates the scalp. Better is air drying in the sun?
  • After washing your hair you should always rinse well and long with water. Remainder of shampoos can encourage flakiness.
  • Especially dangerous is to wash the hair with conventional soap. The soap residues that remain irritate the scalp and promote the formation of dandruff.
  • When combing and brushing: use no metal and no sharp bristles.
Researchers and doctors have concentrated in recent years in the fight against dandruff Beach primarily on the strength of certain medicinal herbs. Since there are two "soft" treatments on natural herbal developed:

Anti-dandruff treatment no. One:

In dry scales without redness of the scalp, the coltsfoot lotion and a shampoo coltsfoot help (pharmacy). Both beside the soothing and anti-inflammatory coltsfoot contain essential oils from the burdock root and lemon balm. The burdock root acts sexy retardant that lemon balm soothes the scalp.

Important to us: You must not use too much of shampoo, most a portion the size of a walnut, with short hair is sufficient amount of a hazelnut. When rinsing should apply twice as much time as you have massaged the shampoo. Especially in the case of dandruff treatment must be ensured that no shampoo residue left.

Applying an anti-dandruff shampoo, you have to leave on as normal it longer just as the ingredients of herbs can act intensively.

Anti-Dandruff treatment no. Two:

For greasy, coarse, strongly adherent dandruff with redness and itching acts primarily a Weidenteer shampoo (pharmacy). The Weidenteer combined with thyme oil, sulfur and salicylic acid. The shampoo solves the dandruff gently from the scalp from, has antiseptic and stops the overproduction of sebaceous glands.

After 6 times washing hair with shampoo coltsfoot and intensive massaging shampoo, the amount of flakes is often reduced within two weeks by two-thirds. In the difficult to treat greasy dandruff there after 3 weeks treatment with Weidenteer shampoo as clearly visible results. Even faster the scales are often eliminated when additional coltsfoot lotion was used in the hair care for Weidenteer shampoo. It is important that the herbs come from organic farming for the anti-dandruff treatments.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Profuse Sweating Can Indicate Disease

What if you sweat too much? What if one emits a disagreeable odor, no matter how often you wash? Any questions about this taboo issue are answered here by myself sweating - Questions and answers on a sensitive subject.

Sweating is healthy

But excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is a torment. What's behind it, though some people sweat more? How to deal with it when the sweat glands go crazy which recipes they’re against it? Sweats are annoying, unpleasant. But one should not complain because sweating is a vital process, which is crucial for our health for us. First, the organism deposits during sweating the sweat not only liquid, but also toxins and metabolic waste through the pores. This is an important process of cleaning the body. Second, the sweating is the body's air-conditioning of the people; so that our body can hold in heat his body temperature. If this temperature threatens in warm or hot summer days to exceed 37 degrees Celsius, then is the hypothalamus through the nerves to the skin the command: cool!

And then out over 2 million sweat glands - especially in the armpits, in the neck, the head, on the forehead, hands and feet - from liquid. The operation is to bring cooling. This welding comes from the so-called eccrine glands. You divorce, depending on temperature daily from between 1/2 to 8 liters. When the sweat comes out of these glands, it is odorless and colorless. He starts to smell only when it decomposes bacteria. Therefore, in times of severe sweating is greatest personal hygiene - shower - hip.

Now it becomes clear why it is harmful if you completely stop perspiration by medication or special deodorants. It is useful, however, to curb cases of heavy sweating the sweat to reduce.

Sweating is important for the whole organism. It brings the circulation going. A rule of thumb: Once a day everyone should come from us even sweat. But, please, not while eating, but during exercise.

Who sweats excessively is sick

Excessive sweating always indicates a disturbance in the organism toward. Possible causes are: fatigue, exhaustion, lack of protein, mineral disorders, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disorders, metabolic disorders, obesity, diseases of the lymphatic system, a lung disease. Profuse sweating is a typical symptom of menopausal symptoms. But you can come into strong sweating by certain medications. As an aside, when corticosteroids and salicylic acid.

For excessive sweating the assessment has to be there. Some people simply sweat production more active than others. The command to the welding output of the sweat is given via nerve fibers, which are again excited by biochemical processes. The control of the delivery of increased fluid is done by the autonomic nervous system and on very sensitive, reactive centers in the hypothalamus and spinal cord. These centers are in close contact with those areas of the brain that control our feelings. Therefore, welding enhanced when we are exposed to strong emotions. Nervous people sweat more easily.

The launch of the perspiration gives most external causes because not always high temperatures in the game need to be. When one suffers from excessive sweating, when you do stuff on the other hand, and the state still persists, then it is essential to check whether they from the doctor whether a serious suffering is the cause.

What is welding anyway?

Sweat contains water, mineral salts, chlorides, hydro carbonates, sulfates, ammonia, potassium, calcium, magnesium, urea, uric acid, glucose, lactic acid, acetone, creatine, amino acids, and fatty acids.

Very often infected and mental stress behind excessive sweating, anxiety, nervousness, and excitement: All this can lead to heavy sweating. It happened yet again that one of the sweats is in the back or that someone has wet slap hands before an exam or if someone presented his new boss.

The release of sweat is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Namely, very sensitive, sensitive centers in the hypothalamus and spinal cord. These centers are in close contact with those areas in the brain that are responsible for our emotional life. Therefore, we start to sweat when we are upset, scared or are under stress. The Fateful here is: If someone sweats and anxiety that it noted the other, then there's more sweat.

How do you actually find a layman, whether behind the excessive sweating puts a disease?

One should not rely on it. But there is a rule of thumb: The sweat of a patient who exits the pores fresh, smells most evil and sharp. That is, immediately to the doctor. The sweat of a healthy person is watery clear and smells hardly.

Today, many deodorants or sprays are indeed offered against perspiration. With all of these cosmetic preparations must be dealt with moderation. Especially should those avoided, the promise that the sweat is suppressed completely. That is not healthy. Therefore, it is generally useful to combat excessive sweating with natural recipes.

Help against excessive sweating

Since you can achieve something even with proper diet who is prone to sweating, which should use less salt, more fruits, vegetables, dairy products, less meat and eating sausage. One should strongly; pungent spices just avoid them like alcohol and too much strong coffee, even when the clothes have to be careful. Who sweats a lot, should not wear synthetic fibers. The best are cotton or silk in natural fibers. Let evaporate sweat fastest. It is important that you temporarily wear little clothing; air baths without clothes takes for the skin's natural respiration are stimulated.

And here are some recipes that help with excessive sweating.
  • Make a two-week sage cure the bitter substances Sage regulate perspiration. Here is the recipe: It provides every morning 1 liter of cold water in a pot too, are 2 to 3 tablespoons of dried sage leaves from pharmacy, drugstore or health food store to bring the whole to a boil and let it then cook 3 minutes. Then percolation, let cool slightly, drink 1/4 liter lukewarm immediately. Put the rest in a thermos and drink throughout the day. After just one week you should feel the effect.
  • Take some time 1 times a day alternating shower with hot and cold water, whereby one must always end with the cold water.
  • Wash 2 times a week after showering the whole body with a mixture of 1/4 liter of water and 1/4 liter of cider vinegar from.
  • Also very popular is the tomato -Bad, an ancient recipe: Stir 3 liters of tomato juice in the tub with warm water. Man bathes in the red liquor 15 minutes which inhibits the sweat glands in the overproduction.
  • Regular sports: running, cycling, tennis. Wait, which does not matter. It is important that the body to get to sweating. The more liquid it loses on all his glands specificity, the less developed in many people sweat in undesirable situations.
  • Interesting: Regular alcohol consumption and smoking promotes perspiration. Smoking and alcohol have a negative effect on blood vessels and on the regulation of perspiration. Better than coffee and alcohol: drink clean water. It does repeatedly Observation: After drinking with real coffee, alcohol and mineral water with a lot of carbon dioxide it comes to increased sweating.
  • Overweight degrade. Fat people suffer when they have the predisposition to more perspiration.
  • Regularly go to the sauna. Since the body can learn to better regulate its sweat and train.
But there are also special recipes when you sweat, especially on the hands or feet:
  • Immerse yourself several times a day hands and feet in lukewarm water. Here the gland pulls together.
  • The ingredients of fenugreek calm the overactive sweat glands. 12 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds from the pharmacy or drug store will soak with 1 liter of cold water recognized. 6 hours, percolation. The south brings briefly to the boil, allow to cool, pouring into the sink or a basin, adding water in it the hands and feet bathing 15 minutes.
  • Much barefoot mill about. Thereby the sole is massaged. Thereby, the sweat glands are normalized in their activity.
  • The feet have to be washed or showered every day.
  • One has only to a pH-neutral soap - use and no regular soap - a so-called cleansing bar. The odor-causing bacteria must be combated.
  • People who suffer from sweaty feet should very often take hot-cold-foot contrast baths. This circulation is not only encouraged but also the sweat regulation.
  • Should tighten after feet-washing and before footwear you use a deodorant. Spray this deodorant not only to the feet, but also in the shoes.
  • Some may like to have a foot powder: on the feet and in the socks or stockings. It smoothes and cools the skin, kills germs. Of particular importance is foot powder between the toes.
  • Who wears orthotics, which must have 2 or 3 pairs? Change can every day so 1 pair always dry evaporate.
There is also an acupressure handle against excessive sweating. The competent energy points are in earlobe-height, about a finger's width behind the ear of the cranial bone. Here massaging the left and right with the index finger in a circular motion.

If the welding due to nerves or psychological causes from the pores, then one can only mitigate, if one relaxes, finds himself inner peace when one has broken down the fears or stress with relaxation exercises or Autogenic training.

Many make a big mistake. You dare not get too much to drink, because they sweat so excessively that you may in no case. This can lead to severe circulatory disorders. On the contrary: The excreted liquid - often 1/2 liters up to 5 liters or more a day - must be replenished immediately. So please, drink plenty of fluids.

And always keep in mind: Excessive sweating is, when no serious suffering behind it, from a medical point of views, not a disease. It is a failure - and rather harmless disorder of the glands function. One speaks of sweat glands hyper function, also called hyperhidrosis.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

How Much Body Fat Is Normal?

The body fat percentage indicates how much percentage of the body is made of fat. The proportion is too high, thus can reduce the risk for cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis rise. In such a case the body fat should be reduced - the most by a reduced calorie diet and enough exercise. We tell you how you can measure your body fat and give you valuable tips for lowering body fat. In our body fat table, you can also see which values are within the normal range and what values are too high.

Body fat percentage and BMI

The BMI (Body Mass Index) is our body weight and body height of our relation to each other. He thus offers a rough guide, if we are normal, reduced or overweight. However, we received no information by the BMI on the composition of the body mass.

This information provides us with the body fat percentage. It indicates what percentage of body mass consists of fat. The figure says it did not necessarily about the body fat percentage: Even slim people can have too much body fat. Because fat stores are not always visible from the outside - partly fat is stored in internal body cavities.

Structural fat and store fat

The percentage of body fat per person does not provide information on the ratio of different types of fat in the body. Here, however, significant differences exist, so fat structure is, for example, important for us, as it protects among other organs and joints from excessive pressure load.

Memory fault may however be harmful to our health - at least if we have too much of it. It accumulates in the subcutaneous one - especially on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. In times of famine, these fat stores are first tapped from the body. Through it man can survive up to 40 days without food.

In general, the body fat percentage should be neither too high nor too low. Too much fat is harmful to health, but also too little. Because being the body fat percentage is so low that the structure of fat reserves to be attacked, the body can no longer function properly. This is in men from a body fat percentage under six and twelve percent in women under the case.

Danger to the cardiovascular system

If the body fat percentage is too high, can adversely affect our health, because an excessive body fat percentage is usually accompanied by an increase in blood lipid levels and blood pressure. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and an increased stroke or heart attack. Even the emergence of diabetes mellitus can be improved by an increased percentage of body fat.

This body fat, however, is not the same body fat: While little extra weight on the thighs and buttocks to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease only slightly, too much fat on the abdomen is dangerous, because here many vascular damaging substances are produced, by the risk of cardiovascular disease increases significantly.

Reduce excess body fat

In order to reduce the long-term body fat percentage, flush diets are the wrong way. Only through a thorough lifestyle change can a favorable result be achieved. In addition to a healthy, low-fat diet, especially a lot of movement is important.

If not only your body fat percentage is increasing, but you also have overweight, you should change your diet so that you absorb fewer calories than you consume. For this, you put the best on healthy foods like vegetables, fruits and whole grains. In sweet and fatty foods you should avoid if possible contrast.

However, a change in diet is not enough to reduce body fat percentage. It is important that you also do sports. Well suited endurance sports are like jogging, walking, swimming or cycling. Drive, ideally three to four times per week for at least 30 minutes in sports.
Who is slim and still has an increased body fat, should also do more sports. Here especially a regular strength training is recommended in addition to aerobic exercise, specific muscles can be built up by the.

Calculate Body Fat Percentage

Hydrostatic Weighing

The body fat percentage can be measured or calculated by various methods. However, all methods are not exactly equal. As most accurate method applies hydrostatic weighing, in which the body weight measured under water and in addition, the displaced amount of water is noted since the method is very complicated and expensive, but it is only rarely applied.

For home use, or a body fat determining the gym Caliper (Body Fat pliers) or body fat cats are frequently used. Especially body fat cars provide - depending on the model - but not always accurate values.