
Monday, February 29, 2016

Antibiotics: Useful - Or Even Harmful?

Antibiotics have saved millions of lives and continue to do so. Meanwhile, however, this medical miracle cure has come into disrepute: it destroys the intestinal flora, it makes pathogens resistant, it is prescribed too often and too much. So they tell the truth about antibiotics.

Antibiotics are of natural origin

About this composition for controlling inflammation and often fatal diseases, there are many truths - and just as many tales. Therefore, many people have secretly afraid of antibiotics and fight back to the doctor: "Everything, merely no antibiotics." That's nonsense exactly, but it is nonsense when careless or even negligent deal with antibiotics and it uses when it is not necessary.

The biggest mistake: Antibiotics are not an invention of the pharmaceutical industry. Antibiotic substances are produced by nature itself since time immemorial by plants, fungi and bacteria that cobwebs and certain mosses have antiseptic effects, which have the shamans and healers of the primitive man already knew.

The first antibiotic penicillin was discovered when the physician Alexander Fleming in 1928 by chance noticed that metabolites of fungus were capable of killing bacterial pathogens. Meanwhile, there are over 160 different antibiotics with which a wide variety of diseases can be combated.

Problem 1: Antibiotics destroy your intestinal flora

That's true, but only partially. Because antibiotics destroy bacteria, also a part of more than 300 living in the gut bacterial germs are killed, which can cause diarrhea. But once the treatment is completed, the body builds up the original intestinal flora again. The treatment of bacterial infection is considered to be more important than the side effect on the gut.

Problem 2: Antibiotics are dangerous

They are enjoyed as dangerous or other drugs. Mostly they are well tolerated and have few side effects. The only real risk: There are patients who are allergic to antibiotics. Then immediate need to respond.

Problem 3: When a cure is detectable is to settle antibiotics immediately

This is fundamentally wrong and a dangerous mistake: Because that can lead to severe relapse of the disease and also to the development of so-called resistance. Among resistance means that pathogens are not sensitive and no longer respond to antibiotics. Cause: If the drug is not taken until the end of the pack, learn not killed germs, to live with a decreasing concentration of the antibiotic. Even following bacterial generations are then potentially immune to the agent.

Problem 4: Cancel any unused antibiotics

This is also dangerous. Apart from cases in which an antibiotic is not tolerated, it should, as I said give, no residues of these drugs. Such remains should be disposed of through the pharmacy. In addition, it is inappropriate to use such drugs on your own. This means that once so well helped may be ineffective in the next infection with another pathogen.

Problem 5: Antibiotics damage the immune system

Not true at all. Antibiotics that fight the growth of bacterial pathogens help the immune system to fight the infection. If the immune system weakened, such as the elderly or by a preceding infection, then it can happen without the use of antibiotics, the body's defense mechanisms fail.

Problem 6: Antibiotics are too fast, prescribed too early and often needlessly

The ever-increasing worldwide total consumption of antibiotics is seen by experts critically. Because with a frivolous application lose antibiotic effect. Ask your doctor if the antibiotic is imperative really in doubt if so, you should take the drug both in dosage and duration as directed by the physician.

In general: Because now many antibiotics were developed specifically to particular organism, it should work in every case except on instructions from the doctor to a course of antibiotics. On top of that requires the type of infection and the causative agent different treatment periods of between one and 14 days. Only the doctor can therefore decide which antibiotic should you take and for how long in order to be safe and sound.

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