
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dieting: Pay Attention To The Energy Density

If you really want to lose weight sustainably - then you need to pay attention to the energy density of the foods you eat. Because it is of course a big difference if you take 100 g fat pork (very high energy density) or 100 g carrots (very low energy density) to be. The amount is the same, but the difference is the calorie content relating enormous.

It does so little if you just eat less: You must pay attention to the energy density to decrease. If you follow that, you can lose weight without hunger or diets. Convey the body with foods low energy density the feeling: "I'm tired" - then the removal goes by itself.

The Nutrients recommend overweight people urgently consider when dietary change within a diet mainly on the energy density. It recommends: foods with a low to medium energy density (up to 225 kcal per 100 grams) to eat. Because the fill you up without encouraging a high energy density for fat storage. Example: Half a Croissant has been as much calories as two apples, six carrots or 300g low-fat yogurt. And after half a croissant you still have hunger after two apples probably not.

Eighth At breakfast on the energy density

So if you've forgone energy dense foods at breakfast, then take fewer calories. But a balanced breakfast boosts your metabolism, it prevents hunger pangs - even decreases the risk of obesity. But to eat more fruits and vegetables easy and otherwise continue merrily munching loss is also wrong. The DGE: "Losing weight can only one who feeds than it consumes fewer calories. Eat most generally less rich in fat and preferably foods with unsaturated fatty acids, for example, milk or vegetable oil. In addition, many legumes and whole grains and little sugar and salt. "

Burn calories by Sport

Losing weight is not only paying attention to the energy density. You must also burn calories through exercise. 30 minutes strong movement per day is the minimum, an hour would be ideal whether endurance training, strength training, ball sports or dancing is not decisive. Each activity burns calories! The joy of physical exercise you should already teach your children. And where you should pay particular attention to the energy density of foods by the way to take your children: Sweet sodas, Pomeranian, pizza, candy bars and similar foods may not be a daily habit, whether your child later in obesity fight should be decided in the first eight years of life.

This allows you to pay attention to the energy density in losing weight, here important foods for everyday life. The content is indicated in kcal per 100 grams:

Decreasing Suitable and well as a full meal is:

1.    Breads
Multi Grain Roll (230 kcal/100g), brown bread (220 kcal/100g), rye roll (220 kcal/100g) and whole-meal bread (200 kcal/100g).

2.    Inserts
Potatoes (70 kcal/100g), cooked rice (110 kcal/100g), potatoes (80 kcal 100g), whole-meal pasta (150 kcal/100g), noodles (150 kcal/100g), potato dumplings (100 kcal/100g).

3.    Vegetable
Peas (80 kcal/100g), kale (40 kcal/100g), cabbage, kohlrabi, white and red cabbage (20 to 30 kcal/100g) and broccoli (23 kcal/100g), tomatoes (20 kcal/100g), celery, spinach, radish, salsify (all about 20 kcal/100g) salad (10 to 20 kcal/100g).

4.    Fruit
Apple (50 kcal/100g), apricot (40 kcal/100 g), banana (100 kcal/100 g), berries (30 to 40 kcal/100g), pear (50 kcal/100g), grapes (70 kcal/100g), citrus fruits (about 50 kcal/100g), plum (50 kcal/100g), watermelon (40 kcal/100g), banana (100 kcal/100g).

5.    Meat and fish
Smoked trout fillet (120 kcal/100 g), minced meat, lean (110 kcal/100g), skinless chicken breast (100 kcal/100g), beef (120 kcal/100g), turkey cutlets (110 kcal/100g), redfish (110 kcal/100g), tuna in brine (110 kcal/100g), fresh salmon (130 kcal/100g), cooked ham without fat edge (120 kcal/100g), Beer Skiing Potions ( 170 kcal/100g) boneless Smoked pork (130 kcal/100g), anchovy (100 kcal/100g).

6.    Milk and cheese
Low-fat quark (70 kcal/100g), fruit yogurt with 1.5% fat (80 kcal/100g), yogurt with 3.5% fat (70 kcal/100g), milk with 3.5% fat (70 kcal/100g), sour cream (130 kcal/100 g), fresh cheese light (70 to 80 kcal/100g), Limburger cheese (110 kcal/100g).

7.    Nibbles and sweet

Rice pudding (120 kcal/100g), semolina nature (130 kcal/100g), fruit salad (70 to 110 kcal/100g), red fruit jelly (100 kcal/100g), sorbet and sherbet (80 to 120 kcal/100g).

For other foods you need to find the kcal per 100 grams, to know how it is with the energy density.

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