
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Home Remedies For Dandruff

A situation that almost every one of us knows: You meet in society a friend in dark clothes. On the shoulders and upper back approach: everywhere dandruff, clearly visible on the dark fabric. One finds it disgusting. But nobody says a word about dandruff you do not talk. A taboo subject those who suffer from dandruff, is regrettable. He needs to see a doctor. Because you can shed - usually even with natural medicine - get a grip.

A scientific study showed 67.3 percent of respondents feel shed as unappetizing and disgusting. About 60 percent hold people with severe dandruff infestation for unkempt. And 96.5 percent are of the opinion that you should immediately take action against dandruff.

Even if it cannot believe Affected: It is important that there is dandruff. They are the result of a process that occurs countless times in the human organism. Our skin renews itself constantly. Here old cells are transported upwards and become horny at the surface. This takes about 28 days. This is called exfoliation. Normally the process noticed nobody, because the cells are so tiny that they are seen only under a microscope.

One reason: Too much fast food

In case of visible dandruff something goes wrong. The exfoliation process is extremely accelerated. Thus, the stratum corneum cells are not mature; still have a kind of glue, so many cells stick together. This results in the ugly, large scales. You are a plague.

Most the shed by the yeast Malassezia (formerly known as Pityrosporum) furfur caused. It occurs in the bacterial flora of each scalp, but can proliferate by dry heating, air, stress, aggressive hair products, by metabolic and endocrine disorders.

Also, excessive hair care by wrong means to frequent hair washing with aggressive anti-dandruff shampoos irritate the skin further, so they itch and dandruff starts. However, it can also blame the lifestyle that you get dandruff. Excessive use, too many parties, too little sleep and many visits Fast food stands with fast food can trigger dandruff.

Basically, the rule is: Whenever you discover dandruff in your hair, you should consult a dermatologist especially when you also see red spots, or if form pustules between the hairs.

Help with a dandruff home remedy

Apart from a targeted treatment, you should put some action in your life:
  • Provide enough sleep.
  • Pay attention to balanced, varied diet with plenty of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Especially on the trace element zinc CONSIDERATIONS. They find it in oatmeal, sea fish, oysters, whole grains and chicken, especially breast meat.
  • If you just go on a diet and get dandruff, then stop immediately.
  • Mix half a cup of olive oil with sea salt, the scalp, rub, soak for about half an hour, rinse well.
  • Strive to eliminate two problems affecting your soul. If stress and anxiety dominate your life, you need to think about what you can change.
  • Use your free time to completely relax. Lie down in the tub, or looking for other ways to disable: Meditation, autogenously training Yoga.
  • Be especially careful with your hair. Keep clean all combs and brushes. Regularly clean hats, caps, hats, bandanas, headbands and jewelry comb.
  • Before you wash your hair, you need to properly rinse thoroughly with water, so that the shed - as much as possible - be removed.
  • The water temperature washing your hair may not be hot, but only lukewarm. Hot water robs the skin fat.
  • Even while blow-drying is not too close to the head and not too hot blow-drying irritates the scalp. Better is air drying in the sun?
  • After washing your hair you should always rinse well and long with water. Remainder of shampoos can encourage flakiness.
  • Especially dangerous is to wash the hair with conventional soap. The soap residues that remain irritate the scalp and promote the formation of dandruff.
  • When combing and brushing: use no metal and no sharp bristles.
Researchers and doctors have concentrated in recent years in the fight against dandruff Beach primarily on the strength of certain medicinal herbs. Since there are two "soft" treatments on natural herbal developed:

Anti-dandruff treatment no. One:

In dry scales without redness of the scalp, the coltsfoot lotion and a shampoo coltsfoot help (pharmacy). Both beside the soothing and anti-inflammatory coltsfoot contain essential oils from the burdock root and lemon balm. The burdock root acts sexy retardant that lemon balm soothes the scalp.

Important to us: You must not use too much of shampoo, most a portion the size of a walnut, with short hair is sufficient amount of a hazelnut. When rinsing should apply twice as much time as you have massaged the shampoo. Especially in the case of dandruff treatment must be ensured that no shampoo residue left.

Applying an anti-dandruff shampoo, you have to leave on as normal it longer just as the ingredients of herbs can act intensively.

Anti-Dandruff treatment no. Two:

For greasy, coarse, strongly adherent dandruff with redness and itching acts primarily a Weidenteer shampoo (pharmacy). The Weidenteer combined with thyme oil, sulfur and salicylic acid. The shampoo solves the dandruff gently from the scalp from, has antiseptic and stops the overproduction of sebaceous glands.

After 6 times washing hair with shampoo coltsfoot and intensive massaging shampoo, the amount of flakes is often reduced within two weeks by two-thirds. In the difficult to treat greasy dandruff there after 3 weeks treatment with Weidenteer shampoo as clearly visible results. Even faster the scales are often eliminated when additional coltsfoot lotion was used in the hair care for Weidenteer shampoo. It is important that the herbs come from organic farming for the anti-dandruff treatments.

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